The overarching theme of the 2019 Halloween Collection is 'Alchemy & Divination'
This piece is part of the Besom Mini Collection
A copper electroformed witches' broom or besom. These besom handles are made from real twigs of birch, copper electroformed with a black kyanite fan as the bristles.
This besom is accented with a witch's hat, and a copper electroformed cauldron with bubbles of grape agate. Grape agate naturally grows in a formation that looks like purple potion bubbles!
5.25" long, 32" chain is accented by faceted pyrite gemstone chain
A besom is a tool used in Wicca to cleanse and purify a space which will be used for ritual. A traditional Wiccan besom is a hawthorn stave handle with bristles made from birch twigs. These twigs are tied on using thin pieces of willow wood.
The besom is a symbol of banishing, fertility, and cleansing. Its earlier use was specifically for Western European fertility rites. These Western European rites are the reason why people think witches ride on their brooms. The rites go like this, they straddle their besoms and then jump real high and around crops to encourage them to grow high and abundantly.
For modern witches, some uses are recorded as banishing negative energies, protection against nightmares, protection from bad energy and spells, channeling energy, and opening communication with the departed.